Thursday, March 13, 2008

Blog 14- Blog 10 Revision "No more Fire"

The fire had been such a great thing for us on the island. It gave us a Chance to get away from everybody and talk to each other while we collected wood. Back home we often played by ourselves because we enjoyed each others company more than anyone else's. And since Piggy's glasses had been stolen the fire was gone along with the hope of being rescued and it was all Jacks fault. Now we spent our days leading piggy around and helping him get food which was nowhere near as fun as getting firewood. The trip to castle rock was terrible. Piggy thought he could reason with Jack but all it did was get him killed. Poor Piggy. He had been a great friend and the loss was terrible and now we had to live with the boys who killed two of our best friends. Ralph was a great leader but nobody else thought like him except for us, Piggy and Simon. Ralph would have had a chance in the fight if the rest of the tribe hadn't been there but now we were here getting teased by the others and hating life. We had been forced to join this tribe and Jack was a terrible leader, He didn't even let us collect fire. Our favorite thing to do.

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